Symposium on cancer modeling in zebrafish

'Zebrafish as an emerging model for the study of cancer: state-of the art and novel tools'

  • When? March 20, 2017
  • Where? Het Pand (UGent), Onderbergen, Gent
  • Program: presentations (14:00 - 17:00) and reception (17:00 - 18:00)
  • Invited speakers: dr. Tom Look (founder of zebrafish cancer modelling) and dr. Shuning He (Dana Farber, Boston, USA), dr. David Langenau (Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA)
  • Local speakers (short talks): dr. Andy Willaert, Suzanne Vanhauwaert, Siebe Loontiens (Center for Medical Genetics Ghent, CRIG)
  • Host: prof. Frank Speleman

 Free registration - more details and subscription link