Lymphedema Awareness Day - webinar

Poster invitation

LymphAday, or Lymphedema Awareness Day, is a patient-driven awareness day on lymphedema. Lymphedema is a chronic disease which is often the result of specific cancer treatment (e.g. for breast and prostate cancer) and can have a severe impact on daily life for patients.

The main organizer of the LympADay campaign is Karine Tollenaere, who is also lymphedema patient. In collaboration with 'Beautiful after Breast Cancer' and UZ Gent, the aim is to create more awareness on the disease, by organizing a webinar (in Dutch) for patients and family.


  • 10u "Lymfoedeem na borstkanker: de nieuwste inzichten en nuttige tips aangaande het ontstaan, de evaluatie en de conservatieve behandeling" by Prof. Devoogdt (UZ Leuven)
  • 10u40 "Chirurgische behandeling" by Prof. Van Landuyt (UZ Gent)
  • 11u20 "Impact keto-dieet" by dr. Thomis (UZ Leuven) and patient testimonial by Ms. Rieky van Elk. 

  • info and contact:
  • registration is free but required via this link