dr. Pieter De Backer (MD, PhD)

Post-doctoral researcher – Research Group IBiTech-BioMMedA, Department of Electronics and Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, UGent
Urology resident – Urology Department (UZ Gent)
Head of innovation – Orsi Academy, Melle
Advisor – 3DGuidedSurgery.com
Principal investigators: prof. Charlotte Debbaut (PhD) and prof. Karel Decaestecker (MD, PhD)
Research focus
The aim of Pieter’s research is to optimize and personalize robotic surgery through the aid of artificial intelligence.
This includes intelligent preoperative analysis using patient-specific 3D models, intra-operative endoscopic video analysis and post-operative data driven insights.
Pieter received the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electromechanical Engineering in 2011 (UGent – with distinction) and the interuniversity degree of Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering in 2013 (UGent-VUB – with great distinction).
After a short stop in the robotics industry, he pursued his medical degree, which he obtained in 2018 (VUB – with great distinction).
In 2015, he co-founded a 3D Printing company where he still advises on surgical 3D printing activities.
In 2023, Pieter successfully defended his joint PhD in Medical Sciences and Biomedical Engineering on digital planning for robot-assisted partial nephrectomy, with promotors prof. Dr. Karel Decaestecker, prof.dr.ir. Charlotte Debbaut and prof. Dr. Alexandre Mottrie.
The PhD focused on 3 interlinking domains:
- Patient-specific 3D modelling, integrated through Augmented Reality
- Surgical computer vision using artificial intelligence
- Surgical Data Science
Pieter continues these research lines whilst also finishing his urology residency in the Ghent University residency programme.
Pieter is an active of the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) AI subcommittee as well as of the Young Academic Urologists (YAU) UroTechnology committee.
Contact & links
- Lab address: campus UZ, ingang 71 (gebouw P3), route 710, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, Ghent 9000, Belgium
- IBiTech-BioMMedA
- Urologie – UZ Gent
- 3D Guided Surgery
- dr. De Backer is involved in the Orsi Academy, training centre for minimal invasive surgery, Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090 Melle
- dr. De Backer can provide support in minimal invasive surgery testing setups through Orsi Academy and can provide support in challenging 3DPrinting ideas through 3DGuidedSurgery.com
- dr. De Backer is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks