Laure Tack

CRIG member
Laure Tack


Doctoral fellow - Organic and Biomimetic Chemistry Research (Faculty of Science, UGent)
Doctoral fellow - Nanobody lab (VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology, UGent)
Doctoral fellow - Department of Biomolecular Medicine (UGent)
Principal Investigator: prof. Annemieke Madder (PhD), prof. Jan Gettemans (PhD) and prof. Marleen Van Troys (PhD)


Research focus

Currently, drug design, which is mainly based on using classical non-covalent binders, experiences major challenges concerning the dramatic increase of drug resistance, mutations and toxicity. Covalent inhibitors are a promising tool to address some of these problems due to their enhanced biochemical efficacy, less frequent dosing need and improved pharmacokinetic parameters. Therefore, fundamental research towards the application of covalent crosslinking methodologies in a bio(-organic) context is required.  
My research focuses on applying the furan covalent crosslinking technology, already applied on DNA, RNA and small protein-protein interactions, to trap peptide-protein and nanobody-protein interactions at the cell surface in order to pave the pathway towards covalent peptide/protein therapeutics.


  • 2020-present: FWO doctoral fellow in fundamental research at Ghent University
  • 2020: M. Sc. Chemistry at Ghent University (master dissertation performed at Charles University/ Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry in Prague)
  • 2018: B. Sc. Chemistry at Ghent University

Contact & links

  • Lab address: Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry - Campus Sterre, Krijgslaan 281, Building S4, 9000 Gent, Belgium
  • Organic and Biomimetic Chemistry research 
  • LinkedIn
  • Laure Tack is interested to receive invitations for talks or presentations